ANMF SA members in Work Health Safety (WHS) - Win 

14 June 2024

Thanks to the vigilance of members, the ANMF SA has achieved a significant WHS win at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH).

Concerns were raised over the poorly designed, unsafe safety screens installed at Triage within the New Clinical Services Building (nCSB) Emergency Department.

Following meetings with the ANMF SA and members, CALHN agreed to the following:

A Perspex barrier installation to reduce the aperture size of the triage desk windows.
A restraint-trained guard stationed at triage 24 hours per day, seven days per week if this modification is not installed before the opening of the unit.

The ANMF SA will request a review of the triage windows within three months of opening to evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented measures. However, should there be an imminent risk to safety, please 
contact your Professional Liaison Officer or reach out to SafeWork SA on 1300 365 255. 

“Members are to be congratulated for their commitment to workplace safety. We commend them on their vigilance,’’ ANMF SA CEO/Secretary Adj. Assoc. Professor Elizabeth Dabars AM said.