SA Health staffing review 

13 April 2023

Recent media coverage has focused on SA Health conducting an audit of the health system’s workforce through consultancy company KPMG. 

SA Health has assured it does not intend to reduce staff numbers, with the review aimed at identifying issues and developing a plan for meeting workforce needs into the future.

The review is in its early stages, however ANMF (SA Branch) has been given the opportunity to contribute so far. 

CEO/Secretary Adj Assoc Professor Elizabeth Dabars told ABC Breakfast Radio on Easter Monday that the union is “cautiously pleased” that SA Health is looking to put a plan in place.   

“We’ve been calling for a workforce plan for years and years,” she told ABC Radio. 

“…What we are asserting is that (SA Health) really should utilise this opportunity to get in place their own capability to do it on a regular basis – not just to set and forget.” 

You can listen to the interview via the ABC Adelaide website. Please note, it can be streamed starting at approximately 2:53:00.