ANMF (SA Branch) supports members during widespread IT outages 

18 April 2023

The ANMF (SA Branch) is reassured that IT systems have gradually been restored, after an incident at the server facility triggered widespread outages on Wednesday. 

Hospital staff had to resort to using pen and paper recording and telephone services to manage patients, with SA Health asking people to find non-urgent health care away from hospitals.

ANMF (SA Branch) CEO/Secretary Adj Associate Professor Elizabeth Dabars AM spoke with major media outlets this week, where she urged the government to learn from the experience. 

“Nurses have already been under strain, and this has just heightened that issue for them,’’ she told ABC Adelaide breakfast radio on Wednesday.

Ms Dabars said the incident highlights a clear fault in the back-up system used by SA Health that has left it vulnerable to widespread outages, impacting on many facets of service delivery across Local Health Networks. 

“We are pleased that SA Health is prioritising the migration to new servers as a matter of urgency and hope this incident acts to inform improved data storage and management,’’ she said in a media statement. 

“Thought should also be given on how to better prepare and support staff members to manage an emergency scenario where manual workarounds are required. 

“Members reported that the outage had wide-ranging effects and resulted in heightened workloads. Patient flow was affected by restrictions on patient information including bed availability and other points of care.'' 

ANMF (SA Branch) will continue to work closely with members, hospital administration and the Department to ensure these issues are resolved.

Listen to the interview with the ABC Adelaide breakfast radio program here.