Conference Delegate casual vacancy nominations open

31 March 2022

An exciting opportunity has arisen for WSRs and members, with casual vacancy nominations open for the role of ANMF (SA Branch) Annual Conference Delegates. 

Conference Delegates must attend electorate meetings (the first meeting is held in May and the second in late June/early July) and participate in deliberations concerning the conference.

Members who are not worksite representatives are able to be elected as Conference Delegates with each electorate able to nominate at least half of its representatives from worksite representatives and the balance of delegates coming from either worksite representatives or members.

The 30th Annual Delegates Conference will be held on Friday, 5 August 2022 in Adelaide. Conference Delegates should be able to access “Conference Leave” to attend the Annual Delegates Conference. (Country delegates receive support from ANMF (SA Branch) for travel and accommodation).

The Annual Delegates Conference will be held in conjunction with the two-day Professional Conference which precedes the Annual Delegates Conference on Thursday 12 May (online), and Thursday 4 August 2022. Attendance at the Professional Conference is free of charge for Conference Delegates and Worksite Representatives.

Nominations to fill Casual Vacancies close on Monday, 18 April 2022 at 5 pm.


Your nomination must be received by 18 April 2022 otherwise you will not be eligible to attend. Nominations received will proceed to an Election conducted at your next worksite electorate forum if more than the required number of nominations are received. 

Electorates have the capacity to put forward resolutions - on matters that members believe should be included in ANMF (SA Branch) Policies that can then be debated at the ADC, and, where supported referred to the Council for consideration and acceptance. At the same time, worksite reps and members are encouraged to raise issues as they arise between ADCs with their ANMF (SA Branch) Organiser.

We strongly encourage you to nominate for this exciting and important role. 

Please view role description of a Conference Delegate here.

Please view information on Electorate Meetings and The Annual Delegates Conference here.

If you require further information, please contact your ANMF (SA Branch) Officer via email at [email protected] or, ANMF (SA Branch) Administrative Officer Sophie Nikolopoulos via at email [email protected] or via phone on 8334 1934.