53-Hour Staffing Win At Flinders Medical Centre 

21 June 2019

“We are being allocated the 53 missing hours from our FTE. Staff are very pleased! Thank you ANMF.” – SALHN member

Members at Flinders Medical Centre are celebrating a win for safe staffing, after the ANMF (SA Branch) successfully negotiated for the Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN) to fill a significant nursing hours gap in surgical Ward 6c.

The ANMF (SA Branch) identified the shortfall of 53 Nursing Hours Per Patient Day (NHPPD) when reviewing the quarterly data received from SALHN.

SALHN has agreed to implement additional shifts to ensure the ward is staffed in accordance with the NHPPD requirements specified in the 2016 Nurses and Midwives (South Australian Public Sector) Enterprise Agreement.

We will continue to consult with members on the timing and configuration of these shifts.